Friday 17 April 2015


Sorry that I have not blogged for a while, I’ve a mild form of writers block! The reason being I haven’t had anything new or worthwhile saying when it came to the latest developments in the fitness industry. 
Similar to what your parents used to tell you ‘if you haven’t got something nice to say, don’t say anything at all’. I have followed this advice but switched the ‘nice’ to ‘worthwhile’. Unfortunately this same advice is not followed by many of the journalist who contribute to fitness magazines.

It seems every month there is a new and exciting training regime which is guaranteed to boost your physique within weeks. If you have the time or inclination, do a quick google search of fitness magazine front covers. You will soon see there are endless headlines guaranteeing you bigger biceps or a 6-pack within weeks and logic tells us they can’t all be right!
Simply speaking, these magazines have a vested interest in hyping up a particular training regime, after all if they didn’t they’d have nothing to put in their magazine and therefore no one would buy it. So in effect their livelihoods depend on creating a buzz around these training programmes.

And these articles are not falling on deaf ears! I have lost count of the number clients that have come to me asking my opinion on such programmes which have seen a Hollywood A-lister go from skinny to beef cake within weeks ready for their latest role in an action movie. My reply is always the same: there are numerous ways to reach the same destination and just because that said celebrity went through a supposedly gruesome training regime he may well have got their anyway with a more conservative, less fancy regime.  (Oh and the use of performance enhancing drugs may well have helped him too).

What I am trying to get at is don’t always believe what you read in the magazines, remember these magazines have a financial interest in hyping different training regimes. Choose a regime that works for you and stick with it. After all by the time you keep flitting from one regime to another you will likely find that you would have benefitted from sticking with the first one and just tweaking it slightly rather than constantly changing. After all consistency is often the key when it comes to exercise improvement!

For sound, balanced fitness advice please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thanks for reading.


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