Friday 29 April 2016


So what exactly does the TV channel ITV Be and a whole plethora of fitness and diet magazines have in common?

The short and simple answer is that they all have a lot of space to fill, so more often than not they fill that space with rubbish.

Think about it, does the Great British public really have an insatiable appetite for ITV Be shows such as ‘The Real Housewives of Orange County’ or ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta’ or ‘The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills’ or ‘The Real Housewives of New York City’? (Believe it or not these are actually real shows!).

No they don’t.

It’s just that ITV Be runs for hours every day and that means they have a lot of space to fill. So the TV executives fill that space with rubbish programmes such as ‘The Real Housewives of…wherever’.
And it’s much the same for fitness and diet magazines. Every few weeks a new issue is released.

So every few weeks the editors of these magazines frantically try to fill their pages with new and exciting stories about diet and fitness to keep their readers interested.  Inevitably some of these articles end up being just like the boobs of many of the women in the aforementioned TV shows – false.
The secrets to weight loss
For example take a look at any diet magazine and you’ll come across an article on ‘The Secrets of Weight Loss’. Flippin’ ‘eck how many more secrets to weight loss could there possibly be? There are supposedly more secrets to weight loss than there is in a Premier League footballer’s marriage!

And the fitness magazines are not much better either, it seems that barely a month goes by without there being a new and exciting way to ‘get bigger abs’ or ‘get bigger biceps’ or get bigger whatever it maybe.

So what should you do?
You should take these articles the same way as you take your chips…with a pinch of salt and just like a grave digger trying to impress his new boss, you should dig a little deeper. Dig around to find the actual science behind the stories and see if the claims made in these articles are actually true! You’ll be surprised, unfortunately many are not!

Now, this is not to say that all of the articles are rubbish, they are not and many of the expert contributors are just that – experts so well worth paying attention to. But please note what I’m saying here, SOME of these articles are worth paying attention to, but please DO NOT follow them dogmatically and without question!
For advice on how to set up your own exercise and nutrition plan that actually works please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Matt                                                                07939316401                    


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