Wednesday 12 October 2016

How can a rubbish X Factor wannabe help you lose weight?

As the X Factor returns to our screens we will no doubt be treated to an endless stream of auditions. Clip after clip (set to the obligatory emotional music of course) will tell of the heart wrenching ‘journey’ that these wannabes have been on, culminating in some teary-eyed twenty-something crying to the camera talking about how they’ve overcome the tragedy of the death of their school’s goldfish and how they are now ‘doing it’ for their aforementioned fishy friend.
One or two of the auditionees will be good, pretty dam good in fact. But most, will, at best be moderately talented (which of course won’t harm their careers none, Posh Spice is testament to this). But a few will be rubbish, downright rubbish and it’s these guys, the rubbish ones that I’m concerned with for they see themselves as something they clearly are not.
It’s as if they’ve spent hours working with a sports psychologist visualising themselves as popstars, and have therefore become popstars. Either that or they are, to coin an outdated and potentially offensive phrase ‘a few sandwiches short of a picnic’; but there’s no way ITV would exploit vulnerable people just to fill air time would they? Then again have you watched an episode of Jeremy Kyle lately? No I’ll take that back just in case the ITV lawyers are reading and I end up like many a ‘70’s entertainer - in the slammer!
So what lessons can we learn from these completely compus mentis auditionees, firstly it is how we can harness the power of the mind to help us reach our goals. Just as they look in the mirror and see a bona fide rock star staring back at them, an overweight person trying to shed some timber should not look in the mirror and dwell on what’s staring back at them but instead focus on how they want to look in the future.  Many psychologists believe that motivation tends to be stronger if we are aiming for something positive rather than trying to get away from something negative, so if weight loss is your goal, stop focusing on the size of your bingo wings or your bulging belly and instead spend your time focusing on how you really want your body to look in the future. (Putting a picture of a person with a physique you really admire on your phone’s wallpaper can really help to motivate you here).
Secondly you need to start behaving like the future you. Just like the X Factor auditionee who dons a pair of saggy jeans, an oversized t-shirt and a flat peaked baseball cap suddenly begins behaving like a rapper, talking in some pseudo Jamaican accent, you need to start behaving like a fitter and healthier new you. As much as possible act in a manner that is in accordance with the future you, go out and try to be as physically active as you can, and be mindful of what types of food you eat and how much you eat. In short go out and behave as if you were already in great shape and it won’t be long before you are actually in great shape. As for the rubbish X Factor wannabe, they’ll just continue to be like many a reality TV star – deluded of their talents!

Thanks for reading.

To book your free trial personal training session, or to book a place at my bootcamp class, or of course for more detailed info on how to motivate yourself to exercise and lose weight, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Matt                                                   07939316401        

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