Sunday 12 February 2017


Remember the good old days when if you were being a little disingenuous with the truth someone would quite happily say 'Oi, stop lying'. Or if you were telling a real whopper they might even tell you to 'stop talking b****cks . Well, those days (just like Russell Brand's virginity) are long gone. For we now live in an era where fibs, little white lies or downright lies are now known as alternative facts.

And the fitness industry is no different. Unfortunately it is abound with alternative facts and in this post I'm going to reveal just a few of them:

1. Social media supplement sellers aren't all that they seem!

Unless you’ve ‘done a Chilean minor’ and been stuck underground you can’t have helped notice a Facebook ‘friend’ or two trying to sell you some sort of nutritional supplement. I'm not going to mention the names of any of the companies involved just in case the lawyers are reading but if you google the terms: scam + nutrition + companies one or two of them will probably pop up.

Now, let me be clear here I'm not actually accusing any of these companies of being a scam and would like to take this opportunity to point out that any similarities that they may have with the much maligned, often frowned upon and sometimes illegal practice of pyramid selling is purely coincidental (I think this is the point where I should insert a winking face emoji).

In most cases the individuals selling this stuff hold absolutely no official nutritional qualifications. At best, they have a misguided yet overwhelming urge to (and I quote) ‘help people become healthy’. At worst (and I’m afraid to say in most cases) they simply have an overwhelming desire to try and make a very tidy profit by selling you overhyped, overpriced products (incidentally a bit like some recent David Haye and Anthony Joshua fights!).

Now, I’m not against making a profit (unlike your average Bargain Hunt contestant) but it must be done ethically. And when these social media supplement sellers seem more intent on recruiting you to sell their products rather than just buying them, it leaves me, much like a dog who licks its own bits – with a sour taste in my mouth.

2. Industry funded scientific studies

Next up are the scientists. Not all scientist I’m hastened to add, just the ones who receive funding directly from sports nutrition companies to research their products. Unsurprisingly the results of this research nearly always prove very favourable for the paying company.

That's right guys, that scientific study which the makers of your favourite sports drink or supplement always refer to, to prove the veracity of its product might not be as authentic as it seems.

Now I’m not saying that these scientists are deliberately as dodgy as Del Boy, I’m just pointed out that there could certainly be a strong case made for a conflict of interests. After all you don’t bite the hand that feeds you, do you!

3. The government may not always be looking out for you!

In theory, our government introduces nutritional guidelines/legislation after seeking advice from experts. However, in reality big business also regularly gets involved in influencing the government too!

According to Professor David Miller at the University of Bath, big business may be so good at influencing our ministers, that our governments current nutrition guidelines may be flawed.

That's right, the governments advice on what to eat, might not be there because it's good for YOU and your health, but because it's good for BIG BUSINESS and their profits!

David Cameron and Theresa May have spoken out about curbing this lobbying-style activity but I fear we’ll be seeing Justin Bieber advertising stair lifts before this happens! 

Take home message…

Just like an annoying kid question everything, whether it be the motives of a Facebook friend trying to flog you some cure-all pills, or the scientific claims made by a company on the benefits of its products. Question what’s in it for them and unfortunately nine times out of ten it will come down to one thing - money!

The problem with the health and fitness industry is that its a huge financial pie with a relatively low barrier to entry. Gaining a qualification as fitness professional is not particularly difficult and the level of scrutiny which supplements must undergo before being brought to market is surprisingly low too.

With such a big financial pie on offer it’s unsurprising, that lots of people want to get their grubby little mitts on a piece, so be very weary of where and whom you get your advice from!

Oh, I'd love to write more but I'm afraid I cant as I'm just too busy readying myself for the finals of the Mr Great Britain 2017... I'll leave you to decide whether that was an alternative fact or not!
Thanks for reading,



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